Templates in Time
Marsha Bryant, Owner409 Troy Place
Raleigh, NC 27609
Telephone: 919-847-4756
Email: marsha@templatesintime.com
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm ESTSaturday 9am-5pm
Sunday 12 noon - 5pm
Please feel free to contact me! I check my emails often during the day. I will always respond within 24 hours! I live in the eastern time zone, so please be aware of the time you call.
If you send me an email, please include your name, the template name or number and a phone number where you can be reached. Sometimes it is easier for me to take a couple of minutes on the phone to answer your question, rather than write it in an email..
Please read over the following before you email:
Please do not send email "return receipt requested" unless you are returning a contract or sending me important information regarding your web site such as photos, text to be included, etc.If you are emailing regarding a template, please remember to let me know the name or number (ex. TNT2012).
Suspicious emails and those with no text in the body or subject line of the email are immediately deleted.
Your suggestions and comments are welcome! If you have an idea for a template design, let me know!